Wednesday 16 March 2011

evil doctor people

hello again. have you missed me. you may have noticed I haven't posted for a while and i apologise but i havnt had one useful thought at all since my last one about. but now i've had a decently humorous one ive opened the flood gates of random, interesting and damn right stupid thoughts. my most recent is this.
the man who names illnesses is an evil, cruel sick man as it seems that behind a few medical conditions there is a sick humour here's a few:
hippomostrossusquivicaphobia: (and im not joking here) its the fear of long words
lisp: i know this seems ok at first glance but have you ever tried saying lisp with a lisp. it sounds like lithw
dislexia: even i had to check how to spell it how the hell is someone who actually has it meant to
i can only conclude from this that doctors are EVIL people.

1 comment:

  1. Mitch, ^LOL! And why arnt u following me?
    I am highly offened! :O
